
How Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Taught Me That Life Is Worth Living.

In How the “Father of Motivation” Taught Me That Life is Worth Living, Karen M. Hilligoss shares her innermost experiences after learning that her two children were diagnosed with serious developmental disabilities a mere three days apart. The shock of receiving these diagnoses took Karen’s soul to a dark place filled with skepticism and agnosticism. However, unexpectedly, her life intersected with that of the world-renowned spiritual and inspirational writer, Dr. Wayne Dyer. Dr. Dyer singlehandedly transformed Karen’s inner beliefs and brought her to a place of peace and acceptance.

In this book, Karen chronicles a number of miracles that occurred through the intercession of Dr. Dyer. Karen also shares Dr. Dyer’s powerful message that “love is eternal” as well as how he instilled in Karen a profound faith that a higher power truly exists. Moreover, this book provides Karen’s intimate journey into overcoming disbelief with faith. It is a celebration of Dr. Dyer’s current impact on a soul despite his entry into non-physical form. Most importantly, this book proves without a doubt that Dr. Dyer is continuing his life work of teaching true God consciousness and union with the divine.

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How Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Taught Me That Life Is Worth Living

In How Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Taught Me That Life is Worth Living, Karen M. Hilligoss shares her innermost experiences after learning that her two children were diagnosed with serious developmental disabilities a mere three days apart. The shock of receiving these diagnoses took Karen’s soul to a dark place filled with skepticism and agnosticism. However, unexpectedly, her life intersected with that of the world-renowned spiritual and inspirational writer, Dr. Wayne Dyer. Dr. Dyer singlehandedly transformed Karen’s inner beliefs and brought her to a place of peace and acceptance.

In this book, Karen chronicles a number of miracles that occurred through the intercession of Dr. Dyer. Karen also shares Dr. Dyer’s powerful message that “love is eternal” and how Dr. Dyer instilled in Karen a profound faith that a higher power truly exists. Moreover, How Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Taught Me That Life is Worth Living provides Karen’s intimate journey into overcoming disbelief with faith. This book is a celebration of Dr. Dyer’s current impact on a soul despite his entry into non-physical form. Most importantly, this book proves without a doubt that Dr. Dyer is continuing his life work of teaching true God consciousness and union with the divine.

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Manifesting Made Easy: The Power of I AM

In a spiritual guide based on speeches and books by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Karen leads knowledge seekers down an inspiring, self-reflective path while expanding on Dyer’s teachings and principles. After describing the meaning of intention, explaining how the connection to intention can become corroded, and then detailing how we can reconnect with intention to create an ideal life, Karen reveals why taking concrete action steps is so important to success and provides a formula to manifest dreams and fulfill wishes through the spiritual concept, the Power of I Am. She relies on her diverse experience with meditation to offer additional insight into how others can overcome ordinary consciousness and realize miracles.

Manifesting Made Easy: The Power of I AM blends personal stories with the teachings of Dr. Wayne Dyer to help anyone tap into the amazing power of manifestation to create a dream life.

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