Category: Blog

There is invisible energy in concrete things. Part II.

Dr. Wayne Dyer taught that manifesting is when you bring a wish or desire into existence and once you manifest your wish, you are in the business of doing nothing more than bringing into form that which could be a whole new aspect of yourself. Dr. Dyer believed that with manifesting, you are learning to

There is invisible energy in concrete things.

As I stated in my prior blog, I am getting ready to publish my latest book, “Manifesting Made Easy: The Power of I Am.” I have been re-reading Dr. Wayne Dyer’s “Wishes Fulfilled.” Dr. Dyer believed that you should practice the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and you should refuse

Be not afraid, we live in an “intelligent universe.”

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, “There are no accidents in an intelligent universe, so all the dark times, accidents, illnesses, and broken dreams were part of your spiritual advancement.  Embrace them, understand them, accept them, honor them, and then transform them in your own way.”  In the midst of the corona virus pandemic, I find