How the “Father of Motivation” Taught Me That Life Is Worth Living

Father’s Day 2024; In Honor of the Father of Motivation.

My friends, there is so much going on that I have not had time to blog. Since the release of my book, “Manifesting Made Easy: The Power of I Am,” I was hospitalized and unable to hold my previously scheduled book signings. The good news is that I am on the mend, and I have been busy marketing this book with excellent results.

I also had a feeling that I should start writing a third book and I reached out to the Master Dr. Wayne Dyer for guidance. And let me tell you, guidance is what I received from Dr. Wayne Dyer. Let me explain it to all of you.

You see, on May 10th, it was the anniversary of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s birthday. As such, I asked him for a sign by the end of the day that I was meant to write another book about him. Well, later that evening, I was required to pick my daughter up from dance practice. I got into my vehicle and started driving and on the short ten-minute drive to the dance studio, the song, “The Leader of the Band” by Dan Fogelberg came on the radio.

While driving my car, at the exact time that the song “The Leader of the Band” came on the radio, a white dove flew over my car. I could not believe that he gave me such a specific sign. I looked out into the distance and could feel Dr. Dyer’s presence, so I know that he sent me that sign from heaven above.

In addition, on Father’s Day, I asked for a sign from Dr. Wayne Dyer, the Father of Motivation. Well, he did not let me down as while leaving my house to drive to pick up dinner for my husband, a bright red cardinal flew right past me, and it was incredibly clear that Dr. Wayne Dyer sent that visible sign to show that he was with me. I felt so blessed to receive this tangible sign of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s presence.

My friends, please know that you can reach out at any time to Dr. Dyer for guidance. I shall keep you updated as to my progress.

In the meantime, please remember the meditation, “I am that I am” and please try to do this meditation once a week. As my book proclaims, this meditation is the most powerful meditation in the world and this meditation will change your life.


Karen McDonnell Hilligoss

Excuses Begone. Part I.

Dr. Wayne Dyer believed that we could manifest anything, but we needed to rid our minds of excuses.  In the book, Excuses Begone, Dr. Wayne Dyer notes that:

The conscious mind is more accurately described as the creative conscious mind.  This close-to-the-surface, non-habitual mind makes endless decisions about what you wear, what you eat, what appointments you keep, what time you go to bed, and thousands of other daily choices in your life.  This invisible and “placeless place” is the part of your brain that makes and cancels plans, adds new ones, and thinks continuously.  This creative consciousness is always there, to the point that even when you want to shut it down, it can be extremely difficult to do so…. The thoughts just keep coming.  Excuses Begone at page 19.

After reading this book by Dr. Wayne Dyer again, I felt in my soul that I wanted to be healthier.  I used the “Ah” meditation by Dr. Wayne Dyer and asked my soul how I could become healthier.  Immediately afterwards, I heard “go back to your fitness club regularly.”  By way of background, I had joined a fitness center a year ago but once the weather got warm, I started walking outside and stopped going to the fitness club.  Thus, after getting this message from Dr. Wayne Dyer, I decided to go back to the health club, and I told just one friend.  The day that I returned to the health club I opened my workout bag and found an envelope that was addressed to the same friend that I talked to about my commitment to return to my health club.  I could not recall why I had addressed an envelope to this friend and why it was placed in my gym bag, but I took that as a sign from the universe that I was in alignment.

The following day after my return to the health club I received a mailing circular from this health club with the new calendar and dates and times of Zumba, Yoga, and other group exercises. I took this sign as serendipity from the universe that I was meant to return to the health club as I have not received a calendar of events from this health club in the past.  Then, on my third day at the health club, I received a text from another friend whom I had just told about returning to my health club and she said that she would like to get membership to this health club, and she would like to join me in exercising for moral support.  I received three huge signs that my return to exercise was in alignment with the Divine Plan, so I decided to meditate to Dr. Wayne Dyer to send me a sign if I was in alignment with his writings in Excuses Begone and if I was in alignment with Source.

On the next day that I went to the health club, I pulled into my regular spot to park and thanked Dr. Wayne Dyer asking for his simple affirmation to me that I was on the correct path.  When I finished exercising that evening, I noticed that a Chrysler Jeep was parked next to my car with a Michigan license plate.  Dr. Wayne Dyer drove a Chrysler Jeep and he is from the State of Michigan, so I silently thanked him for the sign.  Then, after I headed through the first traffic light on the way home, I noted that a car in front of me had a license plate that read “Y81 5566”.  As you may be aware, Dr. Wayne Dyer has two “y”s in his name, and he loved the Tao Te Ching which is 81 verses and he often spoke of the significance of the number “81.”  I nodded and said a silent prayer of thanks to Dr. Wayne Dyer.  However, so that I could be 100 percent assured that these signs were from Dr. Wayne Dyer, I witnessed one last sign before I got home.

When I was four blocks from my house, a car switched into my lane of travel and the car had the license plate that read “G Bless U.”   I was so emotional from witnessing that profound sign from Dr. Wayne Dyer that I immediately started weeping with joy.  I am pleased to share this miracle to show how spiritually close to Dr. Wayne Dyer that I remain and to encourage you to reach out to him for signs from the other side. 

I re-read Excuses Begone after returning from the health club and I noticed that Dr. Wayne Dyer also taught that, “My inner callings are the voice of God. I must follow what I feel so deeply.” Excuses Begone at page 237.  Since my return to the health club, my good friend regularly joins me to work out and the time I spend exercising passes naturally.  I can now confirm that Spirit works in the utmost and most amazing ways if we just take time to recognize the miracles of everyday life.  As I write this message, I can literally feel Dr. Wayne Dyer’s presence with me.  He wants you to know that you can manifest anything that you desire if you simply rid your mind of excuses.  So, what are you waiting for?  Get out there and make it happen.  Much love and joy.  Namaste.



There is invisible energy in concrete things. Part II.

Dr. Wayne Dyer taught that manifesting is when you bring a wish or desire into existence and once you manifest your wish, you are in the business of doing nothing more than bringing into form that which could be a whole new aspect of yourself. Dr. Dyer believed that with manifesting, you are learning to align yourself with a certain aspect of your being and that this aspect of your being is such that perhaps your own senses did not know how to activate it.

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, once you know your highest self, you are on your way to becoming a co-creator of your world so you can participate in the act of creation and so that you can become a manifester. As I taught in the last post, in order to manifest, you need to recognize that there is energy in tangible objects, and you should be aware of which objects in your possession emanate a positive energy.

Since my last writing, I came into possession of a First Edition book by Dr. Wayne Dyer called “Pulling Your Own Strings.” This First Edition book is special because the Master literally signed it himself and Dr. Wayne Dyer dedicated it to Barbara and wrote, “A parent is not for leaning but she is to make leaning unnecessary. Let your children make their own decisions and simply be an effective role model for them. God bless. Love, Wayne Dyer. 9/27/78.”

I was so excited to receive this personally autographed book by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I was also confused about what Dr. Wayne Dyer said about not having your children “leaning” as I had never heard that in any of his speeches. Moreover, I have two children, so I was very interested in what Dr. Dyer meant. I said a silent meditation and asked Dr. Wayne Dyer for a sign as to what this fascinating dedication meant.

Fast forward two days later, and I was watching the movie “The Shift” which stars Dr. Wayne Dyer. About halfway through the movie, Dr. Wayne Dyer meets one of the main characters who is raising two young boys, and he tells this mother that she should not have her children “lean” on her, but she should teach them life skills and teach them to be independent. Suddenly, everything clicked on what Dr. Wayne Dyer meant in the dedication of this First Edition book. What are the odds that I would find Dr. Dyer speaking as to his advice not to allow children to lean on parents within two days after asking him for a sign? Slim to none.

But that is how spirit works, and this morning, I asked Dr. Wayne Dyer to send me a monarch butterfly if he wanted me to explain this teaching. Guess what happened? As I was driving home from a business meeting this evening, a monarch butterfly flew right up against my windshield, and I could not miss seeing it.

Yes, there is an invisible energy in concrete objects, and yes, Dr. Wayne Dyer, I will treasure this First Edition book autographed by you. Thank you so much Dr. Wayne Dyer and namaste to all. Keep visualizing your dreams and be assured they will come true.

There is invisible energy in concrete things.

As I stated in my prior blog, I am getting ready to publish my latest book, “Manifesting Made Easy: The Power of I Am.” I have been re-reading Dr. Wayne Dyer’s “Wishes Fulfilled.” Dr. Dyer believed that you should practice the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and you should refuse to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions so that you can have a spiritual awareness and have your wishes fulfilled.

There are many steps involved with having your wishes being fulfilled, but tonight, I would like to focus on three steps.

First, you should become a noticer and notice all of your thoughts. If you want to have your wish fulfilled, then you must monitor your thoughts and feelings so that you have positive thoughts and feelings that you can align with throughout the day.

Second, you should take away any negative thoughts that would restrict you from growing from the current stage of your life because you want to elevate your life in a positive way so that your dreams come true. Say “no” to naysayers who say things such as “I will never have money. That is how it always is for me.” Instead, focus your thoughts on positive things saying things such as “the universe is full of abundance.” As Dr. Wayne Dyer would say, “banish all doubts.”

Third, you should use your mind and imagine that your wish is already fulfilled, and you should recognize positive energy from concrete things. For example, when I wrote my second book, I covered up my first book in white paper, and I wrote the name of my second book on the front of the book. I kept this book by my nightstand as a reminder that the book was already created by my Higher Power. I also kept books written by Dr. Wayne Dyer by my nightstand.

Today, I was focusing on the publication of my second book, and I felt an energy from a book I own by Dr. Wayne Dyer that is personally autographed by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I meditated and then I picked up the autographed Dr. Wayne Dyer book, and I could feel a happy and exciting energy emanating from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book. I also experienced a miracle because I had questions on how to get the word of my second book out to the public, and I specifically felt Dr. Wayne Dyer encourage me to blog about how there is real energy and real power in concrete things that are spiritual in nature.

I can hear Dr. Wayne Dyer wanting me to encourage you that you can achieve your dreams, and there is the divine power of God available at all times. Dr. Dyer would want me to tell you that if you have a dream, you can manifest almost anything that you can imagine in your mind. Just believe and find some spiritual concrete things in your house that have energy and hold onto these items carefully. The spirit world will help you unlock the energy and power in your special concrete possessions. I will continue to blog about key discoveries that I am making so that you can elevate your life.

Remember there is an invisible energy in concrete things. Namaste.

Life is the Journey Not the Destination

It has been a long time since COVID since I have blogged on my website so I decided that this was the day that I would post. My journey with Dr. Wayne Dyer has continued and continues to bless me in many incredible ways each and every day.

I would like to document a memorable moment for me. I decided to author yet another book about Dr. Wayne Dyer and was looking to cement a contract with my publisher. I had planned to spend a few weeks reviewing the contract, but I signed within mere moments of my conversation with my publisher and afterwards, I felt that perhaps I moved too fast.

I went to a business meeting in my car, and I asked for a sign from Dr. Wayne Dyer that I made the correct decision. Within minutes, Dr. Wayne Dyer’s favorite song, “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash came on the radio. I cried with sincere emotion after hearing this song on the radio. However, less than five minutes later, I turned radio stations and the song, “I Can See Clearly Now” came on the radio again. I cried a river of happiness over Dr. Wayne Dyer showing me two signs that he was with me and blessing my project within five minutes of my request to him.

This is not the only miracle that has happened to me with Dr. Wayne Dyer in recent years, and I shall share more in the coming weeks. However, it is with great happiness that I announce that my new book, “Manifesting Made Easy: The Power of I Am” is coming out and the publication date is a few weeks away. I shall keep you updated on the publication date. I hope that you are all as excited as I am about the new upcoming book.


Happy birthday Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand, and a Heaven in a wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour……….We are led to Believe a Lie, When we see not Thro the Eye, Which was Born in a Night, to perish in a Night, When the Soul Slept in Beams of Light….”  By William Blake stated in “To See the World in a Grain of Sand” from Auguries of Innocence.

As I write this blog, my eyes are filled with tears for tonight I am thinking fondly of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, and I can clearly hear him reciting this poem on stage with such beauty and gentleness.  I am also crying because tomorrow, May 10, 2020, would have been Dr. Wayne Dyer’s 80th birthday.  But, I smile for I know that Dr. Dyer is still with us, never left us, and never will leave us.  We were blessed by Dr. Dyer’s physical presence on this planet for 75 years, and we have all been blessed beyond belief that we manifested onto earth at a time when our lives intersected with Dr. Dyer’s life.  We are fortunate to have been touched by such a gifted writer, author, speaker, orator, poet, husband, father, and spiritual leader among many other things.  Wait a minute…… I can feel that Dr. Dyer is with me, and he is cautioning me not to label him or I will negate him.  Please Dr. Dyer, forgive me but you have been such a personal blessing in my life that I can not help but to extol your many virtues!

Dr. Dyer gave us so much spiritual material that it would take one several lifetimes to digest all of his teachings and that is because I believe that Dr. Dyer was truly a spiritual master of his own kind.  Dr. Dyer once said that:

“Mystical teachers and poets are always reminding us of the connectedness of everything and everyone.  We must look beneath the surface and beyond appearances to grasp the unity they speak of.”

Well Dr. Dyer, himself, was and is, a mystical teacher and a poet so it is very fitting that he once said this quote.  My life is forever changed and is forever enriched by Dr. Dyer’s personal intercession in my life and by the miracles that I experienced through Dr. Dyer.  And in fact, the miracles still occur each and every day of my life.  Dr. Dyer was world renowned and so well thought of by other spiritual masters, but he never believed in reputations and in fact, Dr. Dyer often told his audiences to become independent of the audience that one keeps and that one should be independent of the good opinion of others.  Dr. Dyer surely realized the temporal nature of such things as fame and fortune.  And it should not be of any surprise to anyone that Dr. Dyer literally put up the following post within a few days before he left the physical world behind:

“The last suit you wear, you don’t need any pockets.”

Dr. Dyer was keenly aware that we are spirits here on an earth merely having a human experience that is purely temporal in nature.  Dr. Dyer was always aware that we should not make judgments about other people, and we should not criticize other people as he once said:

“Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.”

And so, in honor of Dr. Dyer’s birthday, or earthly birthday, I propose that we take Dr. Dyer’s suggestion literally and that for the next month, we all focus on removing all thoughts of judgments and removing all thoughts of criticism about other people.  For Dr. Dyer was very wise, and he knew that we should look beyond the appearances of others and that we should instead look deeper into the souls of others and find the unity of our spiritual existence with others.  And Dr. Dyer knew that all of humanity is entirely interconnected and in order to better serve the universe, we should look for opportunity to serve others and find the unity of our fellow brethren.  As I close this blog, in my head, I keep hearing the song, “I Am Light” by India Arie.

When Dr. Dyer was giving his last seminars in Australia, Dr. Dyer told the audiences how much he loved the song, “I Am Light” by India Arie.  He literally changed the entire name of his seminar based upon the lyrics of this song as he was so touched by the words written by India Arie in this song.  Yes, Dr. Dyer manifested on earth for a specific reason, and he truly brought the light, and he still brings the light for Dr. Dyer’s soul is truly nothing other than the purest of light.  It is the true innocence and purity of Dr. Dyer’s soul that I will always ponder for this gentleman showed me God.

God bless you Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I will love you forever!
Karen McDonnell Hilligoss





Guilt and worry are useless emotions

Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, “Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done, and worry about what might be done.”

When I look back at the stressful times in my life, my mental stress stemmed from thoughts of guilt and worry.  I have always been an overachiever and I was raised in the Catholic faith so I know a few things about guilt.  I have felt guilt for not studying hard enough, not working hard enough, eating too much, exercising too little, forgetting the birthday of an important person in my life, and not organizing and decluttering my home, etc. etc.  You can easily see the picture of my worries.  But, it is important to remember that once the day is done and the decisions are made, the day is over.  We don’t get a redo.  So, Dr. Wayne Dyer is absolutely correct when he notes that guilt is a wasted emotion.

If you did not study enough or you didn’t stick to your diet in one day, take a few seconds to acknowledge that fact but place all of your energies and efforts into thinking ahead about the future and then, plan how to change your habits for the better.  Spend time thinking about how in the future you will send best wishes to a loved one for a birthday and perhaps plan for a gift that you will give him or her.  Your loved one will understand your accidental omission.  After all, we are only human.

As for worry, this is yet another emotion that I allow into my thoughts far too often such as worrying about the security of my employment position, worrying about my family’s health, worrying that my children will pass school or succeed in school, and even worrying about what the traffic conditions will be like due to the evolving weather patterns.  Again, to allow oneself to be engulfed in worry serves no purpose and it can manifest into many physical symptoms such as sleep deprived nights, migraine headaches, and even gastrointestinal issues.  While most of my adult life I would characterize myself as a relentless worrier, I am proud to say that I have changed my thinking patterns.  Now, when a worry crosses my mind, I acknowledge this worry as a natural thought and emotion, and I vow to meditate on solutions.

If my worry is a financial one, I use Dr. Dyer’s guided meditations, and I envision my financial woes being solved and no longer being an issue for me.  The more that I practice meditation and focus my thoughts on the positive, the more that I find my life situations turn out to be positive.  I once was financially strapped but I meditated instead of worrying.  Within one week, to my surprise, I found an uncashed check from a former employer for a substantial amount that I had forgotten to cash, and the check was sitting in my kitchen cabinet drawer.  The more that I meditate and re-focus my mind on dispelling all of my worries, the more positive the outcomes in my life become.

Thus, to all of you, I unequivocally echo in Dr. Dyer’s famous words.  Please do not waste any of your emotions on fear or worry.  Northing good emanates from such thoughts.


Please know that we’re all connected.

Dr. Wayne Dyer once remarked, “When you feel yourself in a fearful mode, stop right there and invite God, your Senior Partner, onto the scene.  Say, ‘I don’t know how to deal with this, but I know we’re all connected, so I’ll move my ego out.'”

After reading this verse from Dr. Wayne Dyer, I knew that finding this verse at this time was absolutely essential for me.  Unfortunately, lately, I have found myself listening to the news more often.  I am listening to the politicians talk about the corona virus and how they want to move society and our country forward and to loosen up “social distancing.”  Immediately, my spirit went into a completely fearful mode.  But, how can we do this?  I thought to myself, “are we ready to make this step forward without adequate countrywide testing for the virus?”  I asked myself whether I was ready to allow my two children out of the house and back to school.  My heart felt extreme anxiety and I asked myself, “is society really ready for such a huge leap without a true vaccination for COVID-19?”

After experiencing these panicked feelings, I now realize that I needn’t sit in such anxiety and fear.  Instead, I should follow what Dr. Wayne Dyer says and I need to stop right there and to invite God, my Senior Partner, into my life.  Thus, I started speaking and praying to God with all of my heart.  Once I moved outside of my mind and my ego, I realized that God is in charge and that as a society and as humanity, we are all very connected in this ordeal.  Indeed, my thoughts about the safety of my children have likely been echoed by parents around the entire globe.  I knew that I was not alone.

Once I allowed my heart to speak to God about my many worries, I literally felt myself placing all of my worries in God’s hands.  I started to allow God’s love and God’s grace to settle in my soul.  I realized that I do not need to have all of the answers about how society can get back to normal in the future.  Instead, I leave it for God to deal with those serious issues.  Rather, I can only trust in God and place all of my cares and concerns at God’s feet.  Through silent meditation, I learned that I need only get through life by taking it “one day at a time.”  I need to stop any incessant worrying about the uncertain future.

Once I released my anxiety and worry, my heart and soul started to feel some much needed peace.  Indeed, I don’t control the future and I don’t control the government.  However, I can control my reaction to everything that is stirring around in this world.  I understood that if I felt that the government opened up the schools too early, I was free to make my own decision to keep my children at home until I would feel ready for them to return to school.  And, also with “social distancing,” I understood that even if the State relaxes the “social distancing” rules, I still have control over my day to day affairs. I can control how often I go out, where I decide to go out, and utilize my own form of “social distancing” and do whatever I need to personally feel comfortable when I choose to venture out into society.

In short, I invited God, my Senior Partner, into my heart and I can truly feel that God is in charge and that God will inspire me in the coming days on how to handle any of the changes.  I know the real truth: God is only one thought and one prayer away and for that knowledge, I am eternally happy.  Thank you, Dr. Wayne Dyer, for reminding me that God is my Senior Partner and will always lead me in the correct direction.




Be not afraid, we live in an “intelligent universe.”

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, “There are no accidents in an intelligent universe, so all the dark times, accidents, illnesses, and broken dreams were part of your spiritual advancement.  Embrace them, understand them, accept them, honor them, and then transform them in your own way.”  In the midst of the corona virus pandemic, I find this quotation very fitting.  Dr. Wayne Dyer clearly believed that we live in an “intelligent universe” and that there is an intelligent force organizing everything.  Thus, we need to remember that all of the dark times, accidents, and broken dreams are a part of our spiritual advancement.  I find this lesson from Dr. Wayne Dyer particularly helpful while living through this global crisis.

Yes, during this period of illness, times can appear to be dark.  Some family members and close friends are also living in these perilous times, and they are watching their loved ones battle COVID-19.  In my own family, my niece is a registered nurse who was assigned to a COVID-19 medical unit at an urban hospital located in a large city.  She has witnessed first-hand the deteriorating effect of this illness on patients at her hospital.  Yet, my niece, who recently graduated from her university studies, bravely and valiantly treats these ill patients who have the contagious condition, and she works over eighty hours per week.  Indeed, she has learned an important lesson at a young age about the value that each of our spirits bring into the world, and she says that she feels so much compassion for these patients that she falls asleep easily during her limited time off of work.

When I speak with my niece about the current pandemic, I have no doubt that there are no accidents in this universe, and she definitely chose a life plan that would allow her to be a part of something much bigger than herself when she chose to manifest here in her earthly body.  When I look back at her life, I ask what are the odds that she would graduate from her medical program right before this pandemic, what are the odds that she would apply for and receive a job offer at a large urban hospital many states and many miles away from her hometown, and what are the odds that she would be handpicked to work in a COVID-19 ward?  I would say that the chances are slim to none that this was an accident.  Instead, this was her calling in life.

The same may be said for anyone who feels that he or she is suffering from broken dreams.  Even if one plans or dreams for a certain relationship to work, to be admitted to a particular college, or to be hired to work in a certain profession, we must accept “no” if this does not turn out to be our exact plan in life.  We must not allow ourselves to become depressed or sad.  Instead, we need to remember to embrace, accept, and understand these challenges because all of these challenges are a part of our spiritual development.  And as Dr. Dyer always reminded us, “we are spirits here on earth to have a human experience and not human beings here on earth to have a spiritual experience.”

During these times, I will continue to pray and to meditate for all of humanity as we face one of the greatest challenges presented to mankind.  And I will pray and meditate that we may all be unified in this one noble and worthy purpose because we definitely live in an “intelligent universe.”  Namaste.

We are all a part of God’s divine design

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, “Fear is present when we forget that we are part of God’s divine design.  Learning to experience authentic love means abandoning ego’s insistence that you have much to fear and that you are in an unfriendly world.  You make the decision to be free from fear and doubt and return to the brilliant light of love that is always within you.”

I love this quotation from Dr. Wayne Dyer.  During this pandemic, especially when many of us are under “Shelter in Place” orders; unfortunately, many of us are observing the ever present sickness and illness.  Moreover, we are also experiencing loneliness for the company of other people.  However, Dr. Wayne Dyer believed and he knew that all humans are an essential part of God’s divine design.  Yet, during these unusual times, it is easy to forget that we are truly a part of God’s divine and perfect design.  When we focus on the corona virus, we are placing all of our attention on an unfriendly world.  It is unhealthy to place our attention on such negative and self-defeating thoughts.

Thus, one would be wise to ask oneself, “Why do I place so much emphasis on the daily assault of the news and why do I put so much of my attention on the corona virus?”  Dr. Wayne Dyer was absolutely correct when he explained that our individual egos are insisting that we have so much to fear in the world during these times.  Simply put, when we turn on the television and watch the international news tell us about the corona virus, we are allowing ourselves to be held hostage to our very own ego.

Dr. Dyer wisely lectured that we must make the decision to be free from fear and doubt.  And yes, Dr. Dyer lectured that we, and we alone, are entirely responsible for allowing our minds to become full of fear and doubt.  Instead, Dr. Dyer teaches us that the most obvious choice is to return our full attention and all of our thoughts to God and to love because love always resides inside of our hearts.  Thus, once we renounce our ego, we can return to a state of God’s abundant love, peace, and bliss.  The choice is ours-let’s make the correct choice today!
